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Category: Dementia

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An older adult man signing a document while his wife happily holds his arm.

Can Someone With Dementia Sign Legal Documents?

Navigating whether an older adult with dementia can sign legal documents is a delicate process filled with emotional and practical challenges. Dementia impacts memory, reasoning, and decision-making—all factors  that influence a person's legal capacity. Families often wrestle with striking the right balance between honoring their loved one’s independence and ensuring they are protected. Ultimately, a…
a senior person looking at a calendar, thinking about an event they may have forgotten about.

What Is the Difference Between Forgetfulness & Dementia?

Memory lapses can be unsettling for anyone, especially as we age. It's a common conundrum that raises one critical question among caregivers, seniors, and health enthusiasts alike: is it just forgetfulness, or could it be dementia? Recognizing the difference between these two conditions can help provide clarity and guide you toward appropriate care strategies. Understanding…
A senior at home writes on a piece of paper as part of a test for dementia.

What Is the 5 Word Memory Test for Dementia?

If you’re worried about a loved one’s memory lapses, you’re not alone. Memory is a powerful force and key to how we move through the world around us. Yet, dementia impacts millions of families, and detecting it early can make a world of difference. Early diagnosis can help us determine when it’s time for our…

Inspired Lifestyles

Assisted Living

We blend warm hospitality with personalized care, creating a comprehensive assisted living experience tailored to each resident.

Memory Care

Purpose-built memory care helps provide a life of ease and stability for loved ones living with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

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